"Fables and Fantasies: A World of Stories for Children" is a captivating collection of short stories designed to ignite the imagination of children aged ten and above. Written by acclaimed author and educator Prashant Kumar Lal, this anthology takes readers on enchanting journeys through magical kingdoms, daring adventures, and heartfelt encounters with characters that inspire courage, kindness, and curiosity. >The author's background as a science teacher, especially in Physics, subtly infuses the narratives with a sense of wonder about the world and the cosmos. His experience in education shines through in the thoughtful storytelling, making these tales not only engaging but also educational, encouraging Children to think critically and dream beyond the ordinary. "Fables and Fantasies" is more than a book-it's a gateway to a universe where imagination knows no bounds and where every adventure holds a valuable lesson. This collection is sure to captivate the hearts and minds of Children, offering them stories to treasure for years to come.
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