1: You can last longer without food than without water
1: Blackberry picking is the only thing brambles are good for
1: You can make string from nettles
1: You can navigate using the stars ONLY if you are at sea
1: Fend off a croc by poking it in the eye
1: Food is the first thing you need to look for when you are lost
1: Trees can tell you which way to go
1: You can suck the venom out of a snake bite
1: You can use your watch as a compass
1: Eating snow is as good as drinking water
1: Picking wild mushrooms can be very dangerous
1: A shelter's job is to keep out the rain
1: You can start a fire with sticks
1: You can drink your own wee to survive
1: You must NEVER cut a climbing rope
1: Shout loudly if you get lost
1: You should keep your adventure locations a secret
1: S.T.O.P. if you get lost
1: You could survive getting lost in the Sahara Desert
1: Preppers are people getting ready for adventure
1: Antarctic explorers ate their dogs
1: You could survive being carried by a tornado
1: Remember nose and toes if you fall in the rapids
1: S.O.S. means save our souls
1: Emergency blankets are used on space telescopes
1: A man survived seven lightning strikes
1: If you see an animal eating food, that food is safe for humans, too
1: You can make water in the desert
1: A hot tub is the best way to warm up
1: Boiling water makes it safe to drink