I was inspired by my mentors, the late Dr. Cleo Ngirwa, and Professor Tolly Mbwette to do research on Human Resources Management, focusing on staff performance management which resulted into this work. I appreciate their love and encouragement. This study focused on assessing factors affecting the effective management of the performance appraisal function at the University of Dar es Salaam, the Open University of Tanzania and Tumaini University, Dar es Salaam College. The study concentrated on three objectives: to study and critically assess the existing staff appraisal systems among the selected universities in Tanzania in order to establish their effectiveness; to identify factors that affect effective management of staff performance appraisal function in universities; and to determine related Employee Performance Appraisal Satisfaction Indices (EPASI). I am confident that this work will shed light on factors affecting effective management of staff appraisal function in the work of organizations.