In earlier times, no other group except the Karrayu inhabits the Fentale district which is located in the upper valley of the Awash River Basin. Nevertheless, in the last six to seven decades, other people have been migrating and settling in the traditional Karrayu territory. Major among these are the Ituu from Western Hararge. The Ituu are the only Karrayu neighbors with whom the latter had friendly relation. The relations between the two groups before the migration have been characterized by collaborative, smooth and very close one. The friendly relations on the one hand and the common ethnic background they shared on the other, as both of them are Oromo belonging to Barentuma, were followed by marriage ties between the members of the Ituu and Karrayu long before the beginning of the migration. These developments lay the ground for co-operation in times of difficulties and help each other if either of them were attacked by hostile neighbors.