Education and training on the benefits of workplace counselling among university of Nairobi staff. This training should include educating the staff on coping with stress, counselling skills and handling stress. This sensitisation would assist in de-stigmatising issues of psychological stress in the workplace. The introduction of workplace counselling services at the University of Nairobi will help the Human Resources Department is in the process of developing a workplace counselling policy to be implemented by the human resources department. The findings of the study would assist the Human Resources Department by providing information on the perceptions of staff on workplace counselling in order to determine which approach to adopt for workplace counselling for the University of Nairobi. There is great need to conduct a needs assessment in all departments, colleges and schools of the University of Nairobi in order to identify staff issues and workplace problems which would be addressed by the workplace counselling policy. This approach would show the different challenges and issues facing staff in each of the colleges and departments as this may vary given the scope of work.