Originally published under the title Principal of Love * * * * * * * * "Funny, fresh and a good love story." -- 5-star review Seasons in a Small Town -- Autumn He sees what she's long hidden ... especially from herself. Meet Josh Kincannon, high school principal, single father of three, and thus, as he reminds himself ruefully, essentially celibate back into misty memory and forward into the foreseeable future. After three months of trying to work with Vanessa Irish via phone and e-mails on a project to help tiny Drago, Illinois, Josh believes he has an accurate picture of Zeke-Tech's CFO: Conscientious? Oh, yeah. Intelligent? Absolutely. Agreeable? Not so much. Then he catches sight of her wild, vibrant robe and begins to wonder what other elements might form a portrait of Vanessa Irish. Every time she goes into her I'm-so-boring-I-disappear-against-white-walls act, he remembers that vibrant, wild fabric hanging on the corner of a door and he gets curious. And the more curious he becomes, the more he discovers about her that has him feeling things a whole lot hotter than curiosity. Things that shake up life as single parent to his three kids, scrape against his career as high school principal and -- oh, yes -- definitely threaten his stretch of celibacy. Numbers, that's where Vanessa is comfortable. Not all this interaction with people that she's been pitched into. Especially interacting with Josh Kincannon. Why does he insist on drawing her into his small town, his life, his children? And the biggest question -- what kind of man is this, who not only looks at her, but SEES her, when that's the last thing she wants? . . . or is it? Falling for Her, Book 3 of USA Today bestselling author Patricia McLinn's Seasons in a Small Town series, is a moving, passionate contemporary romance that will captivate fans of Bella Andre, Roxanne St. Clair and Jill Shalvis. "Vanessa is a wounded soul, and Josh draws her out with (mostly) patience and humor. What I especially like is that Vanessa also helps Josh. I'll say it again: A lovely romance." - 5-star review Get all the books in Patricia McLinn's Seasons in a Small Town series today! What Are Friends For? (Spring) The Right Brother (Summer) Falling for Her (Autumn) Warm Front (Winter) Praise for the Seasons in a Small Town series: "You laugh, you angst, you maybe shed a couple tears or two, and at the end of it you move immediately onto the next book because -- unlike teenage Zeke -- you don't want to get away, all you want to do is go back.""The town of Drago has insinuated itself into my heart and I can only hope there is another installment with this small town as its setting." "Strong characters with enough faults to make them human and real" yet "The other characters in Drago all add to the story rather than taking attention from the main action." If you like small-town romance, try Patricia's Marry Me series now! Wedding of the Century The Unexpected Wedding Guest A Most Unlikely Wedding Baby Blues and Wedding Bells
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