In the later half-of the 19th century south India witnessed a series of severe famines. Of them one during 1876-78 was the most severe and devastating. The whole of Madras Presidency, the Bombay Presidency and the princely state of Mysore were affected. 50 lakhs of people were perished on account of this famine. The relief offered by the British government was terribly in sufficient. The rain shadow region of the then ceded districts, the present rayalaseema districts namely Bellary(inclusive of Anantapur Didtrict), Cuddapah and Kurnool Districts suffered the wrost. Nearly 7 lakhs of people were died in this region. In this book thoroughly discussed aspects like scanty rainfall, loss of crops, decreasing cultivation, shortage of food grains, increasing prices etc.It is an attempt micro level research of the famine of 1876-78 in the rayalaseema region.