Far away are the shores of destiny for the main characters of this novel. Through these initiatory quests and intersecting destinies, this story unfolds, in depth, the eternal theme of the human being whose thirst for the absolute comes up against the multiple obstacles constituted by social norms, established powers and the very weaknesses of the individual. Kamanda renews the thousand-year-old tradition of the African griot. A poetic word whose breath brings out the vegetal images, the colors, the sounds, the scents, the ancestral gestures of his native Africa. An epic word that makes matter and spirit, the visible and the invisible, the human and the sacred confront each other in fascinating duels. But above all, a mythical word, where the storyteller reconnects with the authenticity of the symbolic, the bearer of a prophetic truth. Disorder has taken hold of bodies and souls, but will the forces that created it remain all-powerful? Through this story, is it not the very questof Africa that the writer proposes to us, who gives himself the mission of bringing his people to the "shores" of a new "destiny", which would see harmony restored in a just and appeased world?