Farm record keeping in Republic of Macedonia is not
recognized as one of the constructive and important
management tools by the farmers. The focus of this
book is to provide enterprise budget calculations for
the most important vegetable crops in Republic of
Macedonia, along with appropriate farm business
planning model with regard to the Macedonian
conditions. The book purpose is to improve the
overall farm management by adapting the established
farm business planning model.
The created enterprise budgets in the empirical
approach are based on statistical data, panel
analysis and field tests. With the aim of providing
accurate and applicable enterprise budgets and farm
business model related to the panel analysis, an
Advisory Group was formed, consisting of four experts
within the field. The field test was conducted to
four types of farms (registered farmer, family
farmer, experienced farmer and young farmer) aiming
to test and examine the accomplished budget
calculations along with the present situation. Based
on the enterprise budget calculation and with some
adjustments to the Macedonian conditions a farm
business planning model was provided.
recognized as one of the constructive and important
management tools by the farmers. The focus of this
book is to provide enterprise budget calculations for
the most important vegetable crops in Republic of
Macedonia, along with appropriate farm business
planning model with regard to the Macedonian
conditions. The book purpose is to improve the
overall farm management by adapting the established
farm business planning model.
The created enterprise budgets in the empirical
approach are based on statistical data, panel
analysis and field tests. With the aim of providing
accurate and applicable enterprise budgets and farm
business model related to the panel analysis, an
Advisory Group was formed, consisting of four experts
within the field. The field test was conducted to
four types of farms (registered farmer, family
farmer, experienced farmer and young farmer) aiming
to test and examine the accomplished budget
calculations along with the present situation. Based
on the enterprise budget calculation and with some
adjustments to the Macedonian conditions a farm
business planning model was provided.