1. Introduction and overview
Part I. Cyclic Deformation and Fatigue Crack Initiation: 2. Cyclic deformation in ductile single crystals
3. Cyclic deformation in polycrystalline ductile solids
4. Fatigue crack initiation in ductile solids
5. Cyclic deformation and crack initiation in brittle solids
6. Cyclic deformation and crack initiation in noncrystalline solids
Part II. Total-Life Approaches: 7. Stress-life approach
8. Strain-life approach
Part III. Damage-Tolerant Approach: 9. Fracture mechanics and its implications for fatigue
10. Fatigue crack growth in ductile solids
11. Fatigue crack growth in brittle solids
12. Fatigue crack growth in noncrystalline solids
Part IV. Advanced Topics: 13. Contact fatigue: sliding, rolling and fretting
14. Retardation and transients in fatigue crack growth
15. Small fatigue cracks
16. Environmental interactions: corrosion-fatigue and creep-fatigue