John Richardson , William Kirby Fauna Boreali-Americana; Or, the Zoology of the Northern Parts of British America Containing Descriptions of the Objects of Natural History Collected
John Richardson , William Kirby Fauna Boreali-Americana; Or, the Zoology of the Northern Parts of British America Containing Descriptions of the Objects of Natural History Collected
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Written after Franklin's second Arctic expedition, this four-volume work on Arctic natural history was first published between 1829 and 1837.
Introduction Subclass Mandibulata: Order Coleoptera: 1. Adephaga 2. Brachelytra 3. Entaphia 4. Necrophaga 5. Philhydrida 6. Lamellicornia 7. Sternoxa 8. Xylophaga 9. Rhyncophora 10. Phytophaga 11. Aphidiphaga 12. Heteromera 13. Malacoderma Order Orthoptera: 1. Saltatoria Order Neuroptera: 1. Libellulina 2. Perlina Order Trichoptera: Order Hymenoptera: 1. Terebrantia 2. Urocerata 3. Parasita 4. Aculeata Subclass Haustellata: Order Hemiptera: 1. Geocorisa 2. Hydrocorisa Order Homoptera Order Lepidoptera: 1. Diurna 2. Crepuscularia 3. Nocturna Order Diptera: 1. Nemocera 2. Tanystoma 3. Athericera Order Homaloptera Order Aphaniptera.