Foreword: It is about Us - Elísio Macamo Map of Africa showing Fields of
Research Introduction: Fields of Vision, Emotion as Reflexivity - Susan
Thomson, An Ansoms, and Aymar Nyenyezi Bisoka 1. Skin Connections:
Negotiating Institutional Ethics alongside Insider Identities - Gino
Vlavonou 2. Conducting Sensitive Research 'At Home': A Matter of
Responsibility - Emery Mushagalusa Mudinga 3. A Gendered Research Journey:
Ethical Dilemmas of an Algerian Immigrant Recovering the Memory of 'Home' -
Ghaliya N. Djelloul 4. Establishing Kinship in Diaspora: Conducting
Research among Fellow Congolese Immigrants of Cape Town - Rosette Sifa
Vuninga 5. 'If they find out, we're dead': Intermediaries, Self-censorship,
and Anxiety in Research as an Outsider-insider - Aymar Nyenyezi Bisoka 6.
Looking Behind the Screen: Ethical Quagmires when Accessing Hidden
Discourses - An Ansoms 7. Scholar-Activist? On Relational Accountability
and an Ethic of Dissemination - Susan Thomson Conclusion: Theorizing Self
as Ethical Research Practice - Susan Thomson, An Ansoms and Aymar Nyenyezi
Bisoka Bibliography