A step-by-step introduction to successful fieldwork, this guide will help you to plan, design, conduct and share your research.
Packed with practical tools and real-world examples, it includes:
· Field-tested checklists for each stage of your research
· A glossary with key, highlighted terms
· Postcards from fieldwork experts providing global case studies
· Further reading that expands social theory into applied research
· Advice on effective virtual research within digital and hybrid settings as well face-to face fieldwork.
Clear, pragmatic, and multidisciplinary, this is the perfect book to open your eyes, ears, and minds to the world of fieldwork.
Packed with practical tools and real-world examples, it includes:
· Field-tested checklists for each stage of your research
· A glossary with key, highlighted terms
· Postcards from fieldwork experts providing global case studies
· Further reading that expands social theory into applied research
· Advice on effective virtual research within digital and hybrid settings as well face-to face fieldwork.
Clear, pragmatic, and multidisciplinary, this is the perfect book to open your eyes, ears, and minds to the world of fieldwork.
For many students, fieldwork is seen as a daunting prospect. Many who conduct social research at an undergraduate level have little to no experience working in the field, with many students having moved into the discipline after studying a broad range of subjects during their A-Levels or equivalent. This book is the perfect introduction for undergraduates to how to do research across various social science disciplines. Richard and Jennifer have written warmly and caringly, guiding students through the challenges and joys of conducting research. This style can be seen through the engagement with not just the typical idea of an undergraduate student or classical forms of fieldwork but from the wide range of students and fieldwork types that the book engages with and speaks to. The book demonstrates that research is for any student in many places.
Using postcards from other researchers inspiringly illustrates the broad range of research methods and fields within the social sciences, capturing your imagination as you read. One of the most vital aspects of this book is the contributions from a wide range of social scientists, from undergraduates and PhD students to established doctors and professors. The wide range of ideas and experiences helps make fieldwork appear accessible to all audiences.
This book is relevant and useful for anyone engaging in social sciences, from an undergraduate to a PhD student like myself, alongside more senior colleagues looking for a new research direction.
Ollie Chesworth Email 20240104
Using postcards from other researchers inspiringly illustrates the broad range of research methods and fields within the social sciences, capturing your imagination as you read. One of the most vital aspects of this book is the contributions from a wide range of social scientists, from undergraduates and PhD students to established doctors and professors. The wide range of ideas and experiences helps make fieldwork appear accessible to all audiences.
This book is relevant and useful for anyone engaging in social sciences, from an undergraduate to a PhD student like myself, alongside more senior colleagues looking for a new research direction.
Ollie Chesworth Email 20240104