Design und Synthese der eingesetzten Grundstoffe ist der erste Schritt zur innovativen Weiterentwicklung von Materialien und Verarbeitungsprozessen. Ein nächster Schritt ist das Auffinden von Synergien durch das Kombinieren geeigneter Materialien in unterschiedlichsten Formen (Filme, Beschichtungen, Schäume, Verpackungen, etc.) für eine Vielzahl von Anwendungsmöglichkeiten, unter anderem in der Elektronik und Energietechnik, sowie den Bio- und Umweltwissenschaften. Dies war auch der thematische Schwerpunkt der ersten gemeinsamen Konferenz ?8th European Symposium on Polymer Blends and Eurofillers 2005' in Brügge (Belgien), 9.-12. Mai 2005. Das Symposium zeigte, daß Fragestellungen in den Bereichen ?gefüllte Polymere' und ?Polymermischungen' häufig sehr ähnlich sind, und daher die Aufmerksamkeit und Bearbeitung durch beide Forschungsrichtungen verdienen. Der vorliegende Band umfaßt die Mehrzahl der Plenarvorträge sowie der allgemeinen Vorträge, die im Rahmen der Konferenz präsentiert wurden.
Design and synthesis of base materials is the very first step of innovation on materials and processes, followed by the search for synergy by appropriate combinations of these materials under different forms and shapes - films, coatings, foams, packagings, scaffolds, ... - for a large range of applications including electronics, energy, life sciences and technology, environment, etc. This was the main topic of the first joint meeting 8th European Symposium on Polymer Blends and Eurofillers 2005, organized in Bruges, Belgium, from May 9 to May 12, 2005. This joint meeting showed that problems faced in "filled polymers" and "polymer blends" domains are most often very similar to each other and therefore should deserve attention and discussion from both scientific communities. The present volume covers most of the plenary and oral contributions presented at the meeting.
Design and synthesis of base materials is the very first step of innovation on materials and processes, followed by the search for synergy by appropriate combinations of these materials under different forms and shapes - films, coatings, foams, packagings, scaffolds, ... - for a large range of applications including electronics, energy, life sciences and technology, environment, etc. This was the main topic of the first joint meeting 8th European Symposium on Polymer Blends and Eurofillers 2005, organized in Bruges, Belgium, from May 9 to May 12, 2005. This joint meeting showed that problems faced in "filled polymers" and "polymer blends" domains are most often very similar to each other and therefore should deserve attention and discussion from both scientific communities. The present volume covers most of the plenary and oral contributions presented at the meeting.