Food insecurity is multi-faceted,caused... It affects people disproportionately. so that on the basis of intensive literature review and field work, this book contribute to the growing discourse on the financial access through linking with food security programs in terms of system, resource and services for chronic poor in the rural areas. The book explored that chronic poor households have improved their life and livelihoods and have reached at the level of gradation,in which, they are... The book does not only focus on the review of theory and empirical findings,it also derives lessons for poverty-allivation strategies through identifying the limitation of linkages between food security program and appropriate financial institutions as well as among financial institutions to access financial services systematically in the rural areas. finally, the book recommends to link food security program to saving based financial institution services by taking productive safety as basis for saving and apply an 'incentive and Penalty' approaches to access finance for muslin community.