What if you could earn a college degree, without ever having to take out a student loan? Instead of tirelessly searching for scholarships, what if qualified college scholarships found you? In this companion workbook, students learn how to find the money, budget the money, and grow the money to pay for college. You will learn:How to access free State and Federal Money for school How to write Winning Scholarship Essays Best Budgeting Strategies for your money How to Establish and Build Credit as a Student 15 Passive Income Streams that are ideal for College Students ...and much more! In this step-by-step workbook, you will learn financial literacy principles that you can implement for the rest of your life. **This workbook serves a companion text to "Financial Literacy 101 for College Students: How to Find the Money, Budget the Money & Grow the Money".
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Hinweis: Dieser Artikel kann nur an eine deutsche Lieferadresse ausgeliefert werden.