Ghana is a developing country and has a lot of problems, the main one being lack of financial resources. Meanwhile, Ghana's population is growing with its concomitant problems among which are poverty and poor health. Also, more Ghanaian doctors and nurses are leaving the country to abroad for better conditions of service because the government is unable to pay them well. The pressure to provide for the various needs of the expanding population makes enormous demands on national resources. High costs of provision of these needs coupled with lack of adequate financial resources place the government in a dilemma, as it is unable to meet these demands. Yet, the health care needs of the population cannot be left to deteriorate. The problems affecting health care delivery in Ghana will have to be confronted one way or the other. Hence, this study concludes by proposing the establishment of a national/social health insurance scheme, which if properly implemented, could be of immense benefit in raising adequate funds to improve upon health care delivery.