Leonard DabydeenFinding You
A Collection of Short Form Syllabic Poems: Tetractys, Fibonacci, Haiku, Senryu, Naani & Cinquain
Leonard Dabydeen: Guyanese-born (1948) Canadian freelance writer, critic, literary book reviewer (fiction and poetry), and Human Rights activist (Amnesty International). He is a graduate of the Univ. of Guyana and former Lecturer at the Government Teachers' Training College in Guyana; a Licensed Paralegal (retired) under the Law Society of Ontario, and a Commissioner of Oaths and Affidavits in Ontario. He is a prolific poetry and book critic contributor to social media online, including https://shapingwords.blogspot.com (by JIM WILSON), Linkedin, FaceBook, PoemHunter.com, Trivenie-journal (India), Confluence South Asian Perspective.com (U.K.), Muse India e-journal (India), The Gandhi Way Newsletter (U.K.), Inspiration Peak.com (pen: STAReye), (former) Member of the Society of Classical Poets (U.S.A,), Muse-Pie Press.com (Fib Review and Shot Glass Journal), OUR POETRY ARCHIVE (OPA), ATUNIS GALAXY POETRY.com, Spectrum Publishing Poetry and Art (U.K.), Asian Literary Society, POEMarium, Poetry Central, English Poets and Writers' Association of India, Writers World Poets Corner, Gurukul, STANDS4Network, InternetPoem.com, Power Poetry, VoicesNet.com, Poetry Soup, ARC Poetry.com, Formal Haiku The Art of 5-7-5, Setu Bilingual Magazine (U.S.A.); Published in Muse India e-book Anthology: Beyond Corona The Silver Lining (2020), Published in Muse India e-book Anthology: Monsoon Moods, Edited by Dr. Annapurna Sharma (2019); Selected poem line in Muse-Pie Press Community Poem (2020); Life Member and Literary Critic of MetVerse Muse, Published by Dr. H. Tulsi (India); International Who's Who Poetry Award (2012). Published author: Watching You, A Collection of Tetractys Poems, Xlibris Publications (2012); Searching For You, A Collection of Tetractys and Fibonacci Poems, Xlibris Publications (2015). He lives in Brampton, Ontario, Canada.