The present study has addressed a question of interest to higher education, namely the Teaching-Learning of computer concepts and practices at the Institut Supérieur de Commerce de Matadi. The profile of the teaching staff, the methodology used, the implementation of the academic calendar, the curriculum, the workshop or laboratory, the library, the level of student satisfaction on the one hand, and that of the facilitators on the other, have all been analyzed here, with the aim of producing a result that could remedy the shortcomings (unresolved reality) linked to this problem.It is a fact of life these days that all aspects of our life, society and environment are governed by an organization and administration based on computer foundations and data. Computer science is therefore not just a tool or an indispensable support for data processing, but also and above all an object of study to be taught as a discipline in its own right. Such teaching can only be effective if it is based on a solid, well-structured and well-developed program of study, so that, in the end, the learners who take it will be able to make the most of it.