The marketing channel from cultured fish starts with the fish farmer, passes through a number of intermediaries and ends with the ultimate consumer. Major intermediaries who enter the fish marketing chain are Nikaries, Beparies, Aratdars and retailers. Fish farmers do not sell fish directly to consumers in the market. For this chain fish landing center is very much important. Fish landing center is a place where the number of fish unloaded by fishermen for personal use. Singra fish landing center is a largest landing center among Bangladesh. Every facilities are very important for a fish landing center. But the landing and marketing of fishes at Singra fish landing centre are not satisfactory due to lack of proper management. The market structure should he developed through providing some modern facilities both for the fishers/growers, aratdars and other associates of the market. Modernized the marketing facilitates may be helped all the fishers, aratdars and other associates regarding their socio-economic status in the society. The book have been written for those people who are interested to know the facilities and infrastructure of the fish landing centre in Bangladesh.