This book is equipped with a comprehensive presentation of the Flavonoids and their analogues. It is handy for the ignited teacher learners and enhances the thrust of explorations of Flavonoids. This book is systematically streamlined to track the elevation of knowledge, conceptual understanding, examination point of view, in-depth analysis, and accuracy in content to Graduate and Post Graduate levels. This book will bring confident learning of Flavonoids since their origin, nomenclature, categorization, bio-availability, and outstanding applications. Plant extractions to the advanced spectral analysis and experimentation in qualitative and quantitative disciplines were well demonstrated. A wide range of medicinal applications, health advantages, and requisite intake were outlined. Laboratory estimations, chemical composition, and extended research in pharmacopeia eventually future scope for further exploration were the added weightage to the textbook. Hence authors ensure that this book is essential for authentic learning, reference, research, and get enthuse for future Flavonoid advancement.