Sunshine state. Swampland paradise. Tourist aspiration. Real estate racket. Refuge of excess. Political swing-state. Sub-tropical fever dream. With forms of nature and culture found nowhere else, Florida is unique. It is also among the most elusive and misunderstood of places. Anastasia Samoylova photographs Florida on intensive road trips. Walker Evans (1903-75) photographed it over four decades. Twisting the visual clichés, these two remarkably discerning observers convey Florida's dizzying combination of fantasy and reality.
Evans witnessed modern Florida emerging in the 1930s, with its blend of cultures, waves of tourism, stark beauty and blatant vulgarity. He photographed there until the 1970s, making Polaroids that still feel contemporary. Samoylova inherits what Evans saw coming. With intelligence and humor, she picks her way through the seductions and disappointments of a place that symbolizes the contradictions of the United States today. In Floridas, photographs by Samoylova and Evans are presented in parallel, weaving past and present, switching between black-and-white and color imagery, all complemented by an essay by editor David Campany and a visionary short story by celebrated novelist and Florida resident Lauren Groff.
Evans witnessed modern Florida emerging in the 1930s, with its blend of cultures, waves of tourism, stark beauty and blatant vulgarity. He photographed there until the 1970s, making Polaroids that still feel contemporary. Samoylova inherits what Evans saw coming. With intelligence and humor, she picks her way through the seductions and disappointments of a place that symbolizes the contradictions of the United States today. In Floridas, photographs by Samoylova and Evans are presented in parallel, weaving past and present, switching between black-and-white and color imagery, all complemented by an essay by editor David Campany and a visionary short story by celebrated novelist and Florida resident Lauren Groff.
Perlentaucher-Notiz zur Süddeutsche Zeitung-Rezension
Anastasia Samoylova zeichnet mit ihrem Foto-Band das bedrückende Porträt einer Katastrophe, die im vollen Gange ist. Ihr Ausgangspunkt, erklärt Rezensent Andrian Keye, sind die Bilder es US-amerikanischen Fotografen Walker Evans, dessen Spuren sie durch ihre eigene Heimat Florida führen. Jenen "topografischen Wurmfortsatz", schreibt Kreye, der nicht so recht dazu zu gehören scheint zum Rest der USA und an dem doch so etwas wie eine Konzentration oder Kondensation stattfindet, wo der American Dream zum, wie Samoylova sagt: "subtropischen Fiebertraum" zusammenschmilzt. Diese Ambivalenz des Fiebertraums ins Bild zu fassen, diese grelle Urlaubskarten-Welt zu entzaubern, und zwar ohne ästhetische Kniffe und Klischees, ist eine große Kunst, so der Rezensent, eine Kunst, die Samoylova beherrscht.
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