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  • Broschiertes Buch

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Isa isn't all that bothered at first: a week's holiday on an island in the Med means a week away from her beloved horse. On the other hand going abroad with her favourite aunt sounds like fun, and it's bound to be better than revising for exams. Besides, she may even get to know some interesting new people while she's there. So the pair of them jet away together: Isa, upbeat and ready for new adventures, and her lovesick aount, Florentine, with her endless supply of tissues. But then on the very first evening Isa meets Jannik ... Mit Worterklärungen zum leichteren Verständnis!

Isa isn't all that bothered at first: a week's holiday on an island in the Med means a week away from her beloved horse. On the other hand going abroad with her favourite aunt sounds like fun, and it's bound to be better than revising for exams. Besides, she may even get to know some interesting new people while she's there. So the pair of them jet away together: Isa, upbeat and ready for new adventures, and her lovesick aount, Florentine, with her endless supply of tissues. But then on the very first evening Isa meets Jannik ...
Mit Worterklärungen zum leichteren Verständnis!
Sissi Flegel hat alles erlebt, was man erleben muss, um Kinder- und Jugendbücher zu schreiben. Sie kommt aus einer Großfamilie, ging auf ein Mädcheninternat, studierte Sprachen und arbeitete als Lehrerin, bis sich ihre Erfahrungen verselbstständigten und in Büchern materialisierten. Ihre witzigen Mädchenbücher sind Bestseller und ihre Fangemeinde wächst ständig. Um näher an den Alltag zu kommen, entstehen ihre Mädchenbücher meistens vor Ort.