The book focuses on problems of Foreign DirectInvestment (FDI) in modern Ukraine. The main questionasked is: Has Ukraine managed to create attractivelegal environment for FDI? The analysis of thenational Ukrainian legal framework is made throughits comparison with the legislation of Germany. Theresults of the research show that the Ukrainianinvestment legislation is overloaded with definitionsand artificial restrictions for foreign investorswhich is an obstacle to achieve balance between thenational interests and the attractiveness of thecountry for FDI. As well, the comparative study ofthe two countries demonstrates the efficiency of theGerman investment promotion institution and thenecessity for Ukraine to reform existing nationalinvestment promotion institutions into a single one.The book contains recommendations as to thereforms of the Ukrainian dispute resolution systemwhich are necessary to convince potential foreigninvestors that in case of any dispute they can relyon theeffective legal protection.