Get a newlywed couple a copy of Fork Me, Spoon Me instead of The Joy of Cooking or The Joy of Sex. It's a quicker read and a lot more fun.' -- Juan Carlos Cruz host of the Food Network's Calorie Commando and Weighing In Whether you're looking for love or just looking to fuel a little lust, Fork Me, Spoon Me the sensual cookbook will lead you by the hand down the road to romance or if you prefer, simply help you get down and dirty. Even if you can't boil water, with this hot little page-turner at your side, you can still get it on. Hot Honey Nuts -- Vanilla-Scented Sea Bass -- Moist Mango Meatloaf -- Ginger Mojitos -- Persian Love Cake Written by Master of Gastronomy Amy Reiley, the leading American authority on sensual foods, Fork Me, Spoon Me explores the world's most potent aphrodisiacs for steaming up the kitchen or bedroom or whatever room you feel like a little spooning.
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