This book seeks to explore how film adaptations of
comic art are constructed and received. Through an
analysis comparing different types of comic-to-film
adaptations selected from a nearly comprehensive
list, a set of adaptive operations was discovered
based upon the narrative and stylistic relationships
between film adaptations and comic art source
materials. Depending upon which operations are used,
adaptations may be classified as predominately
structural or thematic. At one extreme there are
structural adaptations that feature an almost
precise correspondence of narrative events between
comic source and film adaptation. At the other
extreme, thematic adaptations have no relationship
of narrative structure to the comic source being
adapted, but retain key conflicts and characters.
Having established this opposition, a second study
was performed to determine the differential effect
of reading and viewing a structural versus a
thematic adaptation on the experience of
telepresence the perceptual illusion of
nonmediation (Lombard & Ditton, 1997). Implications
for telepresence theory and cultural transmission of
experience are discussed.
comic art are constructed and received. Through an
analysis comparing different types of comic-to-film
adaptations selected from a nearly comprehensive
list, a set of adaptive operations was discovered
based upon the narrative and stylistic relationships
between film adaptations and comic art source
materials. Depending upon which operations are used,
adaptations may be classified as predominately
structural or thematic. At one extreme there are
structural adaptations that feature an almost
precise correspondence of narrative events between
comic source and film adaptation. At the other
extreme, thematic adaptations have no relationship
of narrative structure to the comic source being
adapted, but retain key conflicts and characters.
Having established this opposition, a second study
was performed to determine the differential effect
of reading and viewing a structural versus a
thematic adaptation on the experience of
telepresence the perceptual illusion of
nonmediation (Lombard & Ditton, 1997). Implications
for telepresence theory and cultural transmission of
experience are discussed.