An ideal core text for Post Compulsory Education and Training (PCET) students and practitioners. In particular it will be of great interest to those stakeholders of Higher Education (HE) in Further Education Institutions (FEIs). It is intended that this evaluative case study shall provide additional information regarding Foundation Degree (FD) provision in a Further Education Institution in England, UK. It is also intended to add to the body of information at a national and international level. Research presented is via examination of transcripts taken from semi-structured interviews with stakeholders. It is expected that the outcome of this evaluative study reveals positive steps for further research, to audit best practice, assess efficacy, create awareness of the processes relating to provision, but ultimately, evaluate, develop and improve provision, and inform practice. This multi perspective research on Foundation Degree provision located in a disadvantaged, socio-economic context reveals that leadership in: collaboration, departmental and sectoral organisation, culture, curriculum design and delivery, marketing, and policy scholarship are areas for sustainable development.