Ivan Boszormenyi-NagyFoundations Of Contextual Therapy
..Collected Papers Of Ivan: Collected Papers Boszormenyi-Nagy
Introduction 1. Correlations Between Mental Illness and Intracellular
Metabolism 2. Hospital Organization and Family-Oriented Psychotherapy of
Schizophrenia 3. The Concept of Schizophrenia from the Perspective of
Family Treatment 4. The Concept of Change in Conjoint Family Therapy
5. From Family Therapy to a Psychology of Relationships: Fictions of the
Individual and Fictions of the Family 6. Relational Modes and Meaning 7.
Loyalty Implications of the Transference Model in Psychotherapy 8. How I
Became a Family Therapist 9. Ethical and Practical Implications of
Intergenerational Family Therapy 10. Behavioral Change Through Family
Change 11. Comments on Helm Stierlin's Hitler as the Bound Delegate of His
Mother in History of Childhood Quarterly 12. Clinical and Legal Issues in
the Family Therapy Record 13. Contextual Therapy: Therapeutic Leverages in
Mobilizing Trust 14. Trust-Based Therapy: A Contextual Approach 15.
Contextual Therapy: The Realm of the Individual (Interview with Margaret
Markham) 16. The Contextual Approach to Psychotherapy: Premises and
Implications 17. Commentary: Transgenerational Solidarity-Therapy's Mandate
and Ethics 18. Transgenerational Solidarity: The Expanding Context of
Therapy and Prevention 19. Contextual Therapy and the Unity of Therapies