Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum - Volume 1 Herausgeber: Muller, Carl Otfried; Carl Otfried, Muller; Muller, Theodor
Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum - Volume 1 Herausgeber: Muller, Carl Otfried; Carl Otfried, Muller; Muller, Theodor
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M ller's monumental edition of the surviving fragments of Greek historians was published in Paris between 1841 and 1872.
Praefatio De vita et scriptis auctorum, quorum fragmenta hoc volumine comprehenduntur Hecataei fragmenta Charonis fragmenta Xanthi fragmenta Hellanici fragmenta Pherecydis fragmenta Acusilai fragmenta Apollodori bibliothecae Antiochi fragmenta Philisti fragmenta Timaei fragmenta Ephori fragmenta Theopompi fragmenta Phylarchi fragmenta Clitodemi fragmenta Phanodemi fragmenta Androtionis fragmenta Demonis fragmenta Philochori fragmenta Istri fragmenta Apollodori fragmenta Index Marmor Parium Inscription Grecque de Rosette, texte et traduction littérale, accompagnée d'un commentaire critique, historique et archéologique par M. Letronne.