God has a perfect plan for you and is patiently waiting to help you discover it."Seek first the Kingdom" is the calling of every follower of Jesus, but it can be a challenge to apply this practically and specifically to areas of your life beyond religious commitment. You probably know deeply that Kingdom-seeking means living and working with God so His will is done in all aspects of your life and work.Most Christian Entrepreneurs know they are created to accomplish great things but struggle with knowing how to boldly move into the calling or how to even begin the process. Even if they are clear on what they are to be doing, they often lack the resources required to make it happen in a professional way.The Fresco process takes you through 7 steps to understand the plan God has for your life. The famous Italian Master Artist, Antonio DeVito has said, "The fresco technique is a perfect choice to illustrate the passion, creativity, but also the perseverance and discipline one must have to start a business these days."When I began to seek the Lord for His vision of our future, He gave a key picture illustrating how I could help people walk in their God-given calling and destiny: the fresco.Fresco means "fresh" in Italian because it is a method of painting on a fresh coat of plaster. This ensures the painting becomes part of the wall itself. Such a demanding and permanent method - one that must be completed with precision in only a few hours - requires poise and timing and a painstaking attention to preparation, design, and execution.With this picture, God was impressing upon us what is required to join Him as He paints His vision for His children, both individually and corporately. We must do the preparation work to understand the masterpiece He is envisioning. From this, we must create an accurate design and commit to the faithful execution of what the Lord is revealing: First, the shape of what God is doing must be laid out, then every texture and detail must be added. All of this must be completed in the timing of our Father's will, making every effort to get the picture right when things are still fresh and receptive to his vision.What I'm saying has likely occurred to you before. Sometimes people talk about "getting the DNA right" or "building on the right foundation. " It just makes sense: When God invites us to carry out His vision, we have a unique and crucial opportunity to set things on the right course and infuse what He's doing in everything we do.Jesus said it this way: The kingdom of heaven is like leaven that a woman took and hid in three measures of flour, till it was all leavened. [Mt 1 3:33 ESV]You can only put yeast in the dough before it's baked. If the leaven we use is God's own vision and provision, it will work its way into absolutely everything.When you complete the fresco process, you will... Gain clarity about your unique purpose and calling Build a solid foundation of virtues for your life and work Establish a lifestyle of simultaneous peacefulness and readiness Grow your confidence in recognizing God's voice and leading Work with God as you learn a daily spiritual rhythm Experience more good fruit produced from your labor Invite others to witness God's workAre you ready to fully understand all you were created to be? Learn more at http: //launchpad-institute.thinkific.com
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