Friday Night Lights is an American television series adapted by Peter Berg, Brian Grazer and David Nevins from a book and film of the same name. The series details events surrounding the Dillon Panthers, a high school football team based in fictional Dillon, Texas, with particular focus given to the team's coach, Eric Taylor (Kyle Chandler) and his family. The show uses this small-town backdrop to address many issues facing contemporary Middle America.Produced by NBC Universal, Friday Night Lights is broadcast by â NBC and â DirecTV (The 101 Network). Premiering on October 3, 2006 on NBC with an initial order of 13 episodes, the show was eventually picked up for a full season. NBC renewed the show for a full 22 episode second season, which began airing on October 5, 2007. Only 15 of these episodes were completed before production was stopped due to the â 2007-2008 Writers Guild of America strike, leading to speculation that the show might be canceled.
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