Part I. Background: 1. Introduction
2. Modules and mechanisms
3. Individual differences and the correlational method
4. Review of the individual differences literature
Part II. Individual Studies
Section 1. Overall Design of Longitudinal Study: 5. Study 1: comprehension and production at 10 and 13 months
6. Study 2: the meaning of mean length of utterance at 20 months
7. Study 3: lexical development and lexical style at 20 months
8. Study 4. single- and multiword comprehension at 20 months
9. Study 5: acquisition of a novel concept at 20 months
10. Study 6: the meaning of mean length of utterance at 28 months
11. Study 7. lexical development and lexical style at 28 months
12. Study 8: morphological productivity at 28 months
13. Study 9: lexical comprehension and the question of intelligence
14. Study 10: grammatical comprehension at 28 months
Part III. A Summary View: 15. Study 11: a factor analytic approach
16. Study 12: social contributions to individual differences
17. Conclusion
Subject Index.