"From Now On" is a novel written by Frank L. Packard written before 1927. The book is a gripping mystery story that follows the adventures of Jimmie Dale, a wealthy playboy who secretly leads a double life as a master thief known as "The Grey Seal." The story begins when Jimmie Dale is summoned to a secret meeting by the mysterious "Mother" and given a new assignment: to retrieve a valuable gemstone known as the Black Star from a ruthless gang of criminals. Along the way, he must navigate a dangerous maze of rival gangs, corrupt officials, and shadowy conspiracies. As the story unfolds, Jimmie Dale faces numerous challenges and setbacks, including a near-fatal encounter with an old enemy and a dangerous showdown with the Black Star gang. He also grapples with his own inner demons, including his love for a woman who may be part of the criminal underworld. The book is notable for its fast-paced action, intricate plot, and vividly drawn characters.
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