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Table of contents:
1. The impact of genomics/ribonomics/proteomics on autoantigen and autoantibody research
Using messenger RNP autoantibodies to reveal networks of posttranscriptional operons
J. Keene, S. A. Tenenbaum
Modern techniques in mass spectrometry based proteomics
M. Mann, J. Andersen, Y. Ishihama, J. Rappsilber, S. Ong, L. Foster, B. Blagoev, I. Kratchmarova, E. Lasonder
The use of phage display to identify a conformational autoepitope in primary biliary cirrhosis
M. Scealy, I.R. Mackay, M.J. Rowley
Anti-citrulline antibodies and citrullinating enzymes in

Table of contents:
1. The impact of genomics/ribonomics/proteomics on autoantigen and autoantibody research

Using messenger RNP autoantibodies to reveal networks of posttranscriptional operons
J. Keene, S. A. Tenenbaum

Modern techniques in mass spectrometry based proteomics
M. Mann, J. Andersen, Y. Ishihama, J. Rappsilber, S. Ong, L. Foster, B. Blagoev, I. Kratchmarova, E. Lasonder

The use of phage display to identify a conformational autoepitope in primary biliary cirrhosis
M. Scealy, I.R. Mackay, M.J. Rowley

Anti-citrulline antibodies and citrullinating enzymes in RA
E. R. Vossenaar, T. Radstake, A. van der Heijden, P. Barrera, G. Pruijn, W. J. van Venrooij

A study of overlapping epitopes recognised by antibodies to GAD65 using phage display
K. H. O'Connor, M. Scealy, M. J. Rowley

Epitope-fine mapping of the major C-terminal epitope of the ribosomal P- proteins
M. Mahler, K. Kessenbrock, J. Raats, M. Blüthner

2. New diagnostic techniques in autoantigen/autoantibody analyses

New technologies in the detection of autoantibodies: The present and future
M. Fritzler

Systematic analyses of microbial antigens and infection induced autoimmunity
P. Krebs, B. Ludewig, B. Metters, O. Türeci, R. M. Zinkernagel, H. Hengartner, U. Sahin

Line-assay with recombinant antigens for diagnosis of systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases
T. Kattenfeld, A. Kromminga, M. Motz

Three multiplexed tests for extractable nuclear antigens using the Luminex 100
R. W. Burlingame, A. L. Piette, C. von Mühlen, K. M. Pollard, W. L. Binder

The BIOONE(r) system: the new dosage of autoantibodies
L. Voorn, P. Backelandt, A. Duyckaerts, L. Zecchinon, T. Swiatkowski, A. Bosseloir

Automatized classification of HEp-2-cell based indirect immunofluorescence patterns by a novel computerized system
U. Sack, S. Knöchner, P. Perner, U. Pigla, M. Kamprad

Simple and sensitive detection of serum autoantibodies to full-length bullous pemphigoid antigen 180
E. Schmidt, A. Kromminga, D. Zillikens, U. Zimmermann

Rapid flow cytometric differentiation of anti-platelet antibodies with microspheres
M. Woetzel, S. Schroeder, U. Sack, F. Emmrich

3. Novel autoantibodies of diagnostic and / or pathogenic relevance

Novel cytoplasmic mRNP compartment recognized by human autoantibodies
E. K. L. Chan

Autoimmune response to glyceraldehyde-3-phosphatase dehydrogenase (GAPDH) is strongly associated with its cellular function in lupus patients
Y. Takasaki, K. Kaneda, H. Yamada, M. Nawata, K. Ikeda, M. Matsushita, R. Matsudairav, K. Takeuchi, N. Shindo, K. Murayama, H. Hashimoto

Translational regulators as autoantigens in systemic autoimmune diseases
G. Steiner, K. Skriner, G. Fabini, E. Jimenez-Boj, N. Kedersha, C. Zimmermann, M. Tohidast-Akrad, G. Schett, R. Fritsch, E. Höfler, P. Anderson, J. Smolen

Autoantibodies against small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein complexes and their clinical associations
H. van Eenennaam, J. H. P. Vogelzangs, L. Bisschops, L. C. J. te Boome, H. P. Seelig, M. Renz, D.-J. de Rooij, R. Brouwer, H. P. Pluk, W. J. van Venrooij, F. H. J. van den Hoogen, G. J. M. Pruijn

Prevalence of Antibodies against Alpha-Fodrin in Sjögren´s syndrome: Comparison of two Sets of Classification Criteria
T. Witte, T. Matthias, M. Oppermann, K. Helmke, H. H. Peter, R. E. Schmidt, M. Tishler

New antibody pattern in liver transplant patients with genetic donor-recipient incompatibility for GSTT1 - Correlation with de novo-immune mediated hepatitis and monoclonal gammopathy
I. Wichmann, I. Aguilera, J. M. Sousa, A. Bernardos, E. Franco, J. R. García-Lozano, A. Núñez-Roldßn

Identification and molecular characterization of two autoantibody systems associated with the indirect immunofluorescence cytoplasm discrete speckled (IIF-CDS) pattern
C. C. F. C. Laurino, N. P. Silva, A. H. Straus, H. K. Takahashi, M. Benchimol, I. C. Almeida, R. Mortara, R. Tedesco, L. E. C. Andrade

NY-ESO1 autoantibody - a novel candidate for early diagnosis of lung cancer
K. Conrad, P. Krause, O. Türeci, W. Heine, U. Luxemburger, J. Mehlhorn, U. Sahin

Antibodies recognizing different retinal antigens are present in sera of patients with lung diseases
W. A. Gorczyca, R. Jankowska, I. Porebska, D. Witkowska, M. Kuropatwa

4. Induction of autoantibodies and autoimmune diseases

The pristane model of lupus
W. H. Reeves, H. B. Richards, A. Mizutani, H. Yoshida, D. Nacionales, M. Satoh

Infectious origin of antiphospholipid syndrome
Y. Shoenfeld, M. Blank

Oxidative modification of autoantigens
B. T. Kurien, K. Hensley, S. Ganick, M. Bachmann, R. H. Scofield

Epitopes and complementary epitopes of autoantigens: Clinical and biologic significance
A. Tzioufas, J. G. Routsias, H. M. Moutsopoulos

Linear epitopes of two different autoantigens (La/SSB and myelin basic protein) with molecular similarity, produce different humoral responses
A. Terzoglou, J. G. Routsias, C. Sakarellos, M. Sakarellos-Daitsiotis, H. M. Moutsopoulos, A. G. Tzioufas

Induction of T cell dependent idiotypic / anti-idiotypic antibody response by complementary peptides from the immunodominant epitope 289-308 of the La/SSB autoantigen
M. G. Papamattheou, J. G. Routsias, E. E. Karagouni, C. Sakarellos,M. Sakarellos-Daitsiotis, H. M. Moutsopoulos, A. G. Tzioufas, E. N. Dotsika

Rapid onset of intra- and inter-molecular epitope spreading by immunization with 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal modified 60 kDa-Ro
B. T. Kurien, S. Ganick, D. Obeso, M. McClain, Q. Pye, R. Schneider, R. H. Broyles, J. A. James, M. Bachmann, J. B. Harley, K. Hensley, R. H. Scofield

Induction of autoantibodies in different mouse strains by the C-terminal
peptide of SmD1 83-119
G. Riemekasten, D. Langnickel, P. Enghard, A. Meine, F. Hiepe

Apoptosis, a mechanism to break tolerance?
M. P. Bachmann, J. A. Gross, Z. Pan, A. D. Farris

Apoptotic cleavage of the LEDGF/p75 autoantigen: Mechanism, impact on function, and possible role in the induction of autoantibodies
V. Ganapathy, X. Wu, T. Brown, T. Daniels, C. A. Casiano

Mice transgenic for human La are tolerant to La antigen in the form of late apoptotic cells
Z. Pan, K. Davis, M. P. Bachmann, A. D. Farris

Influence of Th1 and Th2 cytokines on the primary and secondary immune response in vitro
I. Sterzl, J. Votruba, P. Matucha, J. Sterzl

Relationship between rheumatoid factors, immune complexes and galactosylation status of IgG during humoral immune response in hyperimmunized rabbits
D. Ciric, N. Milosevic-Jovcic, V. Ilic, L. Hajdukovic-Dragojlovic

Characteristics of the anti-dsDNA autoantibody response induced by Infliximab
P. Charles, L. Aarden, R. N. Maini

Antinuclear antibody profile following infliximab treatment in rheumatoid arthritis and spondyloarthropathy.
L. De Rycke, N. van Damme, E. Kruithof, I. E. A. Hoffman, F. van den Bosch, E. M. Veys, F. de Keyser

Immune response to neo- or recall antigens is not altered by alefacept
A. Gottlieb, A. Vaishnaw, K. Gordon

Alefacept (human LFA-3/IgG1) is well tolerated and non-immunogenic: Results of two randomized, placebo-controlled phase III trials
G. Krueger, A. Vaishnaw, K. Gordon

Complexes of natural autoantibodies with histones perform role of novel autoantibodies
D. N. Abakushin, A. M. Poverenny

The reactivity of human serum IgM antibodies with Salmonella outer membrane proteins as a potential marker of Salmonella carrier
A. Gamian, D. Witkowska, M. Staniszewska, W. Gorczyca, L. Maslowski

Reactivity of antibodies against human muscle beta-enolase with bacterial outer membrane proteins
D. Witkowska, J. Pietkiewicz, B. Szostko, A. Gamian

Increased blood plasma concentrations of TGF-ß in patients with multiple sclerosis after treatment with IVIG
D. Reinhold, K. Schrecke, E. Perlov, H.-J. Heinze, M. Sailer

5. Pathogenic effects of autoantibodies

Understanding the pathogenesis of ANCA: Were are we today?
E. Csernok

Antibodies with catalytic activity
J. Bayry, S. Lacroix-Desmazes, D. Stahl, N. Misra, S. Delignat, V. Donkova, A. Pashov, M. D Kazatchkine, S. V. Kaveri

GM1-specific antibodies trigger leukocyte inflammatory functions via IgG receptors
N. M. van Sorge, W.-L. van der Pol, P. A. van Doorn, J. van Strijp, J. G. J. van de Winkel, L. H. van den Berg

Pathogenic effects of anti-retinal autoantibodies of autoimmune retinopathy
G. Ren, S. Shiraga, G. Adamus

The effects of pathogenic antibodies to type II collagen on cartilage synthesis in vitro
S. F. Amirahmadi, M-P. van Damme, M. J. Rowley

Evidence for immunity to type II collagen in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis: High frequency of antibodies to collagen fragment CB10
M. J. Rowley, A. D. Cook, A. Stockman

Binding properties of a sequence-specific pathogenic Lupus anti-ssDNA autoantibody
J. Cleary, J. Beckingham, R. Glick, G. D. Glick

Molecular dissection of the Goodpasture epitope
T. Hellmark, K. Bolton, J. Wieslander

The TNF-alpha induced upregulation of 52kD Ro/SSA autoantigen expression in human keratinocytes is mediated via TNF-alpha receptor I (TNF-RI)
B. Hostmann, V. Ruppert, M. Gerl, A. Waka, C. Johnen, F. Hiepe

6. Pathogenic autoantibodies in pregnancy

Autoantibodies associated with reproductive failure
M. Blank, Y. Sherer, Y. Shoenfeld

Pathogenesis of congenital heart block: Autoantibody insult to fibrosis
J. Buyon, R. M. Clancy

Peptide display library to identify mimotopes of autoantigens associated with neonatal lupus
R. M. Clancy, F. Di Donato, E. K. L. Chan, J. P. Buyon

7. Autoantibodies against receptor structures - Pathogenesis and therapy of anti-receptor-antibody induced diseases

The pathophysiological role of autoantibodies directed to G-protein coupled receptors and therapeutic strategies of antibody removal
G. Wallukat, E. Nissen, J. Müller, R. Brinckmann, I. Schimke, R. Kunze

Autoantibodies against the beta1-adrenoceptor increase L-type Ca2+-current in human atrial myocytes
T. Christ, D. Dobrev, E. Wettwer, D. Müller, M. Knaut, G. Wallukat, U. Ravens

Translocation of the transcription factor NF-kappa B from cytoplasm into nucleus in cultured cells induced by TNF-alpha, and autoantibodies against alpha1-adrenergic and AT1 receptor
W. Schulze, V. Homuth, E. Nissen, D. Neichel, P. S. Leung, G. Wallukat

Functional monoclonal antibodies against the human beta1-adrenergic receptor
R. Mobini, A. Staudt, G. Wallukat, A. Mijares, J. Hoebeke

Induction of beta1-adrenergic receptor-directed autoimmune cardiomyopathy in the rat
R. Jahns, V. Boivin, S. Triebel, L. Hein, G. Ertl, C. E. Angermann, M. J. Lohse

The occurrence of autoantibodies against G-protein coupled receptors is associated with oxidative stress
I. Schimke

Specific removal of autoantibodies against beta1-adrenergic receptor from patients with dilated cardiomyopathy: Results from a pilot study
J. Müller

Agonistic antibodies targeting Angiotensin II type 1 receptor cause acute vascular rejection in the absence of immunological risk
D. Dragun, G. Wallukat, R. Dechend, J. H. Bräsen, D. N. Müller, H.-H. Neumayer, K. Budde, F. C. Luft

8. Autoantibodies in skin diseases

Pathogenic role of anti-Ro/SS-A autoantibodies in cutaneous manifestations of Lupus erythematosus
V. Ruppert, B. Hostmann, F. Hiepe

Anti-fibroblast autoantibodies in systemic sclerosis
P. L. Meroni, N. Ronda, E. Raschi, C. Testoni, M. O. Borghi, R. Gatti, J. M. Dayer, G. Orlandi, C. Chizzolini

Identity of the RNase MRP and RNase P associated Th/To-autoantigen
H. van Eenennaam, J. H. P. Vogelzangs, D. Lugtenberg, F. H. J. van den Hoogen, W. J. van Venrooij, G. J. M. Pruijn

Autoantibody populations directed against different transglutaminase isoenzymes in dermatitis herpetiformis and coeliac disease
M. Sßrdy, S. Kßrpati, B. Merkl, M. Paulsson, N. Smyth

Molecular pathomechanisms of autoimmune subepidermal bullous skin diseases
A. Kromminga, D. Zillikens

A Highly Sensitive and Simple Assay for the Detection of Circulating Autoantibodies against Full-Length Bullous Pemphigoid Antigen 180
E. Schmidt, A. Kromminga, S. Mimietz, U. Leinfelder, E.-B. Bröcker, D. Zillikens, U. Zimmermann

Anti-stratum corneum antibodies in active psoriasis
M. Cojocaru, S. Popescu, A. Cimpean, D. Iordachescu, M. Costache

9. Autoantibodies against citrullinated antigens

Anti-CCP antibodies in (early) rheumatoid arthritis
E. R. Vossenaar, W. J. van Venrooij, G. J. M. Pruijn

"Citrullinated" antigens as targets of rheumatoid arthritis specific autoimmune responses
S. Chapuy-Regaud, M. Sebbag, L. Nogueira, C. Vincent, G. Serre

Anti-citrullinated peptides autoantibodies or anti-filaggrin autoantibodies: What is the best for diagnosis of RA?
C. Ferraro-Peyret, J. Tebib, S. Veber, N. Fabien

Detection of anti-CCP and diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis
R. W. Burlingame, R. Morris, A. Metzger, C. von Muhlen, M. H. Wener, C. L. Peebles, A. L. Piette

Comparison of anti-CCP (cyclic citrullinated peptide) assays in rheumatoid arthritis
A. Mustila, A. M. Haapala

Comparison of several laboratory tests used in diagnostics of rheumatic diseases
I. Lochman, V. Novßk, A. Kloudovß, A. Lochmanovß

Antibodies to cyclic citrullinated peptide in RA: A sensitive and specific diagnostic marker
P. J. Charles, R. N. Maini

The diagnostic significance of autoantibodies in patients with very early rheumatoid arthritis
V. P. K. Nell, K. P. Machold, W. Hueber, G. Eberl, H. Hiesberger, E. Hoefler, J. S. Smolen, G. Steiner

Anti-keratin and anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide autoantibodies in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis
I. Hromadnikova, K. Stechova, P. Vavrincova, D. Hridelova, H. Nekvasilova, H. Reitzova, J. Vavrinec

Juvenile idiopathic arthritis and anti-keratin/anti-CCP antibodies
K. Conrad, J. Oppermann, D. Möbius, M. Borte, G. Heubner

10. Autoantibodies in thrombotic diseases and atherosclerosis

Anti-prothrombin antibodies: Pathogenesis and specificity
T. Koike, T. Horita, K. Ichikawa, O. Amengual, T. Atsumi

Antibodies against ß2 glycoprotein 1 and cardiolipin in rheumatoid arthritis patients with cardiovascular diseases
A. Durazinska, M. Szmyrka, B. Jazwiec, J. Szechinski

Relationship between autoantibodies against oxidized LDL, lipid peroxidation products and cytokine profile in diabetic type 2 patients
H.Donica, M. Koziol-Montewka, E. Staroslawska

Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies in patients with Buerger's disease
I. M. Manolova, D. P. Petkov, M. Gulubova

Anti-cholesterol antibodies in atherosclerosis
A. Horvath, G. Füst, P. Antal-Szalmßs, I. Csipö, S. Sipka, I. Karßdi

Anti beta-2 glycoprotein 1 antibodies and 17 beta-estradiol serum levels in female rheumatoid arthritis patients
R. Sokolik, A. Durazinska, M. Szmyrka, J.Szechinski

Evaluation of a renewed cardiolipin antibody assay - requirements of GMP confirm production
W. Papisch, T. Frey, B. Berg

11. Autoantibodies in liver and gastrointestinal diseases

The role of the immune response against tissue transglutaminase in the pathogenesis of coeliac disease
T. Freitag, G. Melino, H. Schulze-Koops, G. Niedobitek, E. G. Hahn, D. Schuppan

Biological functions of coeliac disease autoantibodies
T. Halttunen, R. Marzari, D. Sblattero, M. Mäki

Anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies: Prevalence and clinical significance in connective tissue diseases and autoimmune gastro-intestinal diseases
N. Bizzaro, D. Villalta, E. Tonutti , A. Doria, M. Tampoia, D. Bassetti, R. Tozzoli

Assay of coeliac disease autoantibodies applying an ELISA with human tissue transglutaminase
A. A. Osman, T. Richter, M. Stern, K. Conrad, J. Henker, C. Brandsch, K.-P. Zimmer, T. Mothes

Reactivity of mouse gliadin antibodies with deamidated gliadin
F. Kahlenberg, I. Lachmann, S. Tschiedel, J. Schneider-Mergener, A. A. Osman, U. Sack, T. Mothes

Prevalence of pancreatic autoantibodies in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), their first-degree relatives and spouses
S. Joossens, L. Godefridis, G. Claessens, S. Vermeire, M. Pierik, N. Esters, R. Aerts, X. Bossuyt, P. Rutgeerts

ANCA and inflammatory bowel disease: Antigenic specificity
E. Mainardi, L. Cresci, M. T. Romagnoli, A. Vagni, P. Galli, A. Montanelli

ANCA target antigen(s) in patients with autoimmune hepatitis
A. Kozmar, R. Ostojic, Z. Krznaric, B. Vucelic, B. Malenica

Prevalence of anti-UDP-glucuronosyltransferase autoantibodies in patients with autoimmune hepatitis.
A. Desbos, J. Magdalou, E. Benoit, F. Lapicque, J. C. Monier, S. Veber, N. Fabien

Detection of antiphospholipid-antibodies in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis and autoimmune hepatitis
P. von Landenberg, R. Schlichting, J. Schölmerich, G. Lock

The frequency and pattern of autoantibodies and immunoglobulin levels in chronic hepatitis
A. Pituch-Noworolska, A. Macura-Biegun

Prevalence of various autoantibodies in patients infected with hepatitis C virus
V. Tabor, M. Fucek, I. Hrstic, Z. Krznaric, B. Vucelic, B. Malenica

Laboratory findings in autoimmune liver diseases patients in the Sverdlovsk region, Russia
V. V. Bazarny, E. N. Bessonova, D. A. Mazein, O. M. Lesnyak

12. Autoantibodies in neurological and endocrine diseases

Autoimmune disorders of the neuromuscular junction
B. Lang, A. Vincent

Diversity of neurological disorders with anti-GAD antibodies
J. Honnorat

Paraneoplastic neuropathies - Clinical and immunological features
F. Blaes, M. Klotz, M. Tschernatsch, J. Kraus, I. Krasenbrink, M. Kaps

Clinical outcome of paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration associated with antineuronal antibodies in 48 patients
S. Shams-Ili, J. Grefkens, B. de Leeuw, H. Hooijkaas, P. Sillevis Smitt

Autoantibodies in children and adults with paraneoplastic Opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome
V. Fühlhuber, I. Krasenbrink, I. Juhasz-Böss, M. Klotz, M. Kaps, F. Blaes

EUROLINE-WB allows reliable differentiation of autoantibodies against neuralantigens in patients with paraneoplastic neurological syndrome
T. Scheper, M. Klotz, W. Meyer, W. Schlumberger, W. Stöcker

Autoantibodies to gangliosides in patients with multiple sclerosis and normal healthy controls
C. Wehrend, U. Sack, F. Emmrich, M. Kamprad

Analytical and clinical evaluation of second generation assays for thyrotropin receptor antibodies.
D. Villalta, R. Tozzoli, E. Orunesu, P. Montagna, G. Pesce, N. Bizzaro, M. Bagnasco

Cytofluorimetric evaluation of antigen regions of thyroid peroxidase in patients with Graves' disease and non-toxic nodular goiter
A. Bossowski, A. Stasiak-Barmuta, B. Czarnocka, M. Urban, J. Dadan

Reactivity of anti-liver-kidney microsome type 1 (LKM-1) antibodies in the sera of patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus
O. Neacsu, M. Cojocaru, I. Cojocaru, D. Cheta

Study of anti-actin and anti-myosin antibodies in myasthenia gravis
I. Cojocaru, M. Cojocaru, R. Tanasescu, C. Musuroi

Autoantibodies in Hashimoto's encephalitis
J. Abu-Isa, M. Bodemer, S. Poser, A. Schlüter, I. Zerr

HLA association with autoimmune endocrinopathies
P. Hrdß, F. Korioth, P. Matucha, I. Sterzl, A. Kromminga

Prevalence of antitransglutaminase antibodies in a pediatric population with type 1 diabetes.
F. Bienvenu, N. Peretti, A. Lachaux, M. Nicolino, G. Tanzilli, C. Bouvet, R. Bouvier, S. Veber, J. Bienvenu, N. Fabien

Multiple and high-titer single autoantibodies in schoolchildren reflecting the genetic predisposition for type 1 diabetes
M. Schlosser, R. Wassmuth, M. Strebelow, I. Rjasanowski, B. Ziegler, M. Ziegler

Autoantibody profile in acute inner ear diseases
M. Kamprad, K. Donaubauer, K. Conrad, B. Kniep, U. Fickweiler, H. Müller, U. Sack

13. Autoantibodies and epidemiology

The epidemiology of autoimmune diseases: Contribution of previous studies and opportunities for future research
G. Cooper

The role of exogenous factors in the induction of autoantibodies
K. Geisenhoffer, D. Germolec

Iodine prophylaxis and risk of arising autoimmune thyroid diseases in children
V. Aranovich, M. Svinarev

Autoantibodies in risk groups for autoimmune diseases
K. Conrad, J. Mehlhorn

14. Methodical aspects and diagnostic strategies


Clinical and laboratory evalution of an ELISA, indirect immunofluorescence and a new automated fluorescence immunoassay for detection on antinuclear antibodies
A.-M. Haapala, A. Mustila, M. Pertovaara

Comparison of screening by IIF (HEp 2) and an ANA ELISA vs a new automated ANA/ENA screening (EliA) in patients from routine
M. l. Casas, F. Cava, F. J. Fernandez, S. Valor, J. M. Gonzalez-Buitrago, C. Gonzalez, B. Garcia, J. A. Navajo, W. Papisch

Comparison of screening by IIF (HEp 2) vs a new automated ANA/ENA screening (EliA) in defined patients
C. Gonzalez, J. M. Buitrago, M. Casas, F. Cava, B. Garcia, J. A. Navajo, W. Papisch, S. Valor

Pattern of humoral autoimmunity in patients with breast cancer
M. Volkmann, Y. Hajjar, J. Huober, D. Gaugel, J. Ludwig, S. Hänsel, G. Bastert, H. Zentgraf, D. Wallwiener, W. Fiehn

Nucleosome and dsDNA antibodies

A comparative study of the diagnostic efficiency of anti-dsDNA antibody tests in systemic lupus erythematosus
B. Schlüter, L. Kaucikaite, H. Schotte, P. Willeke, H. Becker, A. Dyong, J. Haier, R. Gellner, G. Bonsmann, M. Gaubitz

Clinical evaluation of a new dsDNA-RIA
R. Wöhrle, P. von Landenberg, M. Oppermann, K. Helmke, T. Witte

Detection of dsDNA antibodies in SLE: Efficiency of the automated EliA-immunoassay in comparison with non-automated systems
D. Kuhn, S. Kadler, E. Boehme, M. Linnemann

Performance of a new automated fluorescence immunoassay (EliATM dsDNA) for the follow-up of anti-ds DNA antibodies in SLE patients
A. Lakaf, C. Sapin, V. Moal, J. R. Harlé, M. Sanmarco

Detection of dsDNA antibodies in SLE: A case report based evaluation of discrepant results between the automated EliA immunoassay and an established non-automated assay
D. Kuhn, S. Kadler, E. Boehme, M. Linnemann

Comparison of two different methods for detection of dsDNA antibodies related to SLE patients at different disease status
M. Rodriguez-Mahou, F. J. López-Longo, J. L. Ruiz-Tiscar, E. F. dez-Cruz

Autoantibodies against nucleosomes are pathognomonic for SLE - A 2nd generation ELISA shows no reactivity with sera from scleroderma patients
W. Schlumberger, C. Daehnrich, W. Suer, S. Frahm, W. Stoecker

The benefit of anti-deoxyribonucleoprotein (anti-DNP) antibodies determination in the laboratory of clinical immunology
I. Lochman, L. Cebecauer, V. Novßk, H. Tomßckovß, A. Kloudovß, A. Lochmanovß

ENA antibodies

Evaluation of the detection of anti-dsDNA and -ENA antibodies by a new automated fluorescence immunoassay
M. López-Hoyos, H. López-Escribano, M. Peña, M. J. Bartolomé

Evaluation of EliATM screening and detection of antibodies directed against extractable nuclear antigens
E. Oris, C. Bunn, G. Godefridis, N. Kolbus, W. Papisch, X. Bossuyt

A new fluorescence immunoassay (EliA(tm) Sm) for the detection of anti-Sm antibodies
M. Mahler, R. C. Williams

A new LINE immunoassay for the detection of myositis-specific autoantibodies
C. Hentschel, J. Schulte-Pelkum, W. Schößler, F. Hiepe, R. Mierau, K. Conrad

Antibodies against SS-A can only be precisely detected using the native antigen: Results of a study using the EUROLINE-WB
W. Meyer, T. Scheper, K. Wilhelm, M. Jarzabek-Chorzelska, Z. Kolacinska-Strasz, W. Schlumberger, W. Stoecker

ANCA and GBM antibodies

Increased specificity for systemic vasculitis with capture ELISA for MPO-ANCA?
M. Carlsson, J. Wieslander, M. Segelmark

Evaluation of a new sensitive ELISA for the detection of PR3 Antibodies
M. Mahler, P. Höpfl, E. Mummert

Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies in connective tissue diseases
G. Kirdaite, J. Dadonien, E. Redaitiene

Serum anti-glomerular basement membrane antibodies in patients with renopulmonary syndrome
D. Iordanescu, M. Cojocaru, I. Cojocaru, O. Neacsu