Nachdem Ijob aufgrund einer Wette zwischen JHWH und Satan unschuldig von extremem Leid getroffen wird, resigniert und rebelliert er, auch um den frommen Deutungen der Freunde etwas zu erwidern, bevor er an JHWH appelliert. Dieser wendet sich ihm schließlich in einer vielstimmigen Theophanie zu. Ijob erfährt eine Lebenswende; märchenhaft übertrieben wird seine Restitution beschrieben. In den meisten Interpretationen von Ijob 42 geht es entweder um eine innerlich gedeutete Wandlung Ijobs in 42,6 oder äußerlich verstandene Konsequenzen in 42,10b-17. Worin besteht nun aber Ijobs Lebenswende? Andrea Christina Dörschel legt den Fokus auf die Verse 42,7-10, denn das Herzstück der Entwicklungen scheint Ijobs Interzession zu sein. Ihre Studie widmet sich dem Zusammenhang von Ijobs Gebet und Schicksalswende.
After Job is innocently struck by extreme suffering due to a bet between YHWH and Satan, he resigns and rebels, also in order to respond to the pious interpretationsof his friends, before appealing to YHWH. He finally turns to him in a polyphonic theophany. Job experiences a turnaround in his life; his restitution is described in a fabulously exaggerated way. In most interpretations of Job 42, it is either about an inwardly interpreted transformation of Job in 42:6 or outwardly understood consequences in 42:10b-17. So what does Job's life change consist of? Andrea Christina Dörschel focuses on verses 42:7-10, because the heart of the developments seems to be Job's intercession. Her study is dedicated to the connection between Job's prayer and the turning point in his life.
After Job is innocently struck by extreme suffering due to a bet between YHWH and Satan, he resigns and rebels, also in order to respond to the pious interpretationsof his friends, before appealing to YHWH. He finally turns to him in a polyphonic theophany. Job experiences a turnaround in his life; his restitution is described in a fabulously exaggerated way. In most interpretations of Job 42, it is either about an inwardly interpreted transformation of Job in 42:6 or outwardly understood consequences in 42:10b-17. So what does Job's life change consist of? Andrea Christina Dörschel focuses on verses 42:7-10, because the heart of the developments seems to be Job's intercession. Her study is dedicated to the connection between Job's prayer and the turning point in his life.