Adrian Sargeant is Professor of Fundraising and Nonprofit Marketing at Plymouth University, UK. He was formerly the first Hartsook Chair in Fundraising at the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at Indiana University, USA. He holds visiting appointments at Avila University and the Australian Centre for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia. Elaine Jay is a specialist in individual fundraising with over 20 years of experience. She has worked with a number of UK charities including the RSPCA, NSPCC and the Wildlife Trusts as well as with some of the main agencies serving the charity sector.
1. The History and Development of Fundraising Practice 2. Fundraising
Planning: The Fundraising Audit 3. Marketing Research for Fundraising 4.
Understanding Giving 5. Strategic Planning: The Fundraising Plan 6.
Fundraising Reporting 7. Donor Recruitment 8. Donor Development 9. Major
Gift Fundraising 10. Legacies and in Memoriam Giving 11. Community
Fundraising 12. Corporate Fundraising 13. Trust and Foundation Fundraising
14. Digital Communications 15. Fundraising in Social Media 16. Managing
Fundraising Teams 17. Fundraising Team Dynamics 18. Leading Fundraising
Teams 19. Legal and Ethical Aspects of Fundraising Management