The majority of childbearing age women on ART remain sexually active In Ethiopia, the number of pregnancies in HIV-infected women has increased dramatically over the last decade, The objective study was to assess the future childbearing intentions of HIV infected women ART.Methods used a cross sectional study,utilizing both quantitative and qualitative research.The result of the study around 44.2% out total respondent during the study period in the Bishoftu health center want to have more children in the future. Most of them need the children due to they were never had a child before,the reset were why they were did not want a child due to financial problem and fear of viral transmission to their child.The conclusion of the study,factors that influence fertility intention among HIV positive women were the women have never had a child before, they want a baby girl/boy, their spouse wants a child and their husband's relatives want a child. Respondents who were health problem, financial problem and have enough children before were unlikely to desire a child in the near future.