The skin or the integumentary system is not only a covering of the body tissues and organs but a part of the corporate system. Diseases of the skin are of common occurrence. They account for a great deal of misery, suffering and economic loss. Among these skin diseases, "Pama (Scabies)" is such a disease which has been in existence since vedic period. Ayurveda relatively proved to be efficacious in the treatment of skin diseases. Shodhana and Shamana therapies are the two procedures mainly adopted in the treatment. The general line of treatment of pama includes Rakthamokshana, Internal medicines as well as External applications like Abhyanga and Lapa etc. General application is an important procedure carried out in all the skin diseases. The application of medicine helps in removing the doshas locally. In pama skin of the body is mainly affected, so external application of medicine has got an important role locally and it is generally made use of. External application selected isGandhaka Taila (Sulphur Oil), As Gandhaka is having Kushtaghana and Kandughana properties its main action is on skin and skin diseases. Hence this preparation is very effective in skin disease Pama.
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