Garam Masala is a Bollywood film, released in 2005. Directed by Priyadarshan, Garam Masala stars Akshay Kumar, John Abraham, Rimi Sen, Neha Dhupia, Paresh Rawal and Rajpal Yadav. Akshay Kumar received the Best Actor in a Comic Role for his performance at the Filmfare Awards. The movie starts off when two photographers Shyam a.k.a Sam (John Abraham) and Mac (Akshay Kumar) are doing a photo shoot. While Macrand is shooting the models in various exposing poses, his fiance leaves in disgust due to Mac's closeness to the models. Their boss calls them into his office and tells them that they are good-for- nothing photographers. He threatens to reduce their pay if they don't get some good pictures for the World Photography competition to make his magazine "Garam Masala" famous.