Discover the extraordinary life of Gary Oldman, the British actor who has transformed himself into some of the most memorable characters in film history. This official tribute traces Oldman's versatile career, from iconic roles such as Count Dracula to Winston Churchill to the celebrated Sirius Black in the Harry Potter saga. In addition to his film career, this book offers an in-depth look at Oldman's personal life, personal struggles and triumphs in show business. With a collection of curiosities and previously unpublished details, readers will be able to immerse themselves in the universe of a man who has continually reinvented himself, always remaining at the top of Hollywood. A journey that explores not only the films that made him famous, but also his behind-the-scenes involvement as a director and producer. Perfect for long-time fans and those who want to find out more about the chameleon-like actor who has left an indelible mark on contemporary cinema, this book is a sincere and detailed tribute to Gary Oldman.
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Hinweis: Dieser Artikel kann nur an eine deutsche Lieferadresse ausgeliefert werden.