Mit welchen Kompetenzen für den Umgang mit der eigenen Religion bzw. Religiosität entlassen wir unsere Schüler aus dem Religionsunterricht der Kollegstufe? Wie werde ich als Lehrkraft in meinem religiösen Handeln von Philosophie, Psychologie, Soziologie, Naturwissenschaften etc. angefragt? Wie verhindere ich eine Spaltung der Welt in ein »Haus der Religion« und ein »Haus der Wissenschaften«? Dieser Band legt erstmalig den Grund für die theologische und pädagogische Konzeption eines kompetenzorientierten islamischen Religionsunterrichts in der Kollegstufe. Die Autoren kommentieren diese Konzeption aus Sicht der katholischen und evangelischen Religionspädagogik, nehmen zu Kompetenzhorizonten von Schülerinnen und Schülern Stellung und leiten aus dem christlich-islamischen Religionsgespräch im 8. Jahrhundert eine kompetenzorientierte Schriftdidaktik für den Religionsunterricht ab. Abgerundet wird der Band durch Unterrichtsentwürfe, die aus schulpraktischen Übungen resultieren.
With what compentencies are our A-level students equipped in terms of their own religion and religiousness when they have completed their religious education? What is required of a teacher s religious practice in terms of philosophy, psychology, sociology, natural sciences etc.? How can a teacher prevent a division of the world into a house of religion and a house of sciences ? This volume is the first to lay the foundations for a theological and pedagogical concept for competency-based Islamic A-level religious education. The authors comment on this concept from the perspective of catholic and protestant religious education, give their views on the competency horizons of students and extrapolate from 8th-century Christian/Islamic inter-religious dialogue competency-based scripture lessons for religious education. The volume is supplemented with teaching concepts drawn from practical exercises in class.
With what compentencies are our A-level students equipped in terms of their own religion and religiousness when they have completed their religious education? What is required of a teacher s religious practice in terms of philosophy, psychology, sociology, natural sciences etc.? How can a teacher prevent a division of the world into a house of religion and a house of sciences ? This volume is the first to lay the foundations for a theological and pedagogical concept for competency-based Islamic A-level religious education. The authors comment on this concept from the perspective of catholic and protestant religious education, give their views on the competency horizons of students and extrapolate from 8th-century Christian/Islamic inter-religious dialogue competency-based scripture lessons for religious education. The volume is supplemented with teaching concepts drawn from practical exercises in class.