Few studies have been carried out to investigate the state of gender and consumer behaviour in Africa and Nigeria in particular. Friends, neighbors and acquaintances have influence on consumer's buying decision. Marketers, see new products and services as an important mechanism for keeping the firm competitive and profitable. Environment and culture is another determent of our decision making and buying pattern. In African and Northern Nigeria in particular husbands as heads of the household dominate most of the family's decision making. Thus, gender in purchase decision is a continuous problem in the society and no empirical studies have been established in Nigeria and Kano state in particular. The book is essential to all producers of durable household goods in that, it will enable them to know their Position in the market and what influence consumers purchase decision and plan their marketing strategies appropriately. The book will afford manufactures opportunities to know theimpact of gender on consumer's purchase decision and thus enable them make appropriate choice of the type and brand of product to be produced. Marketers would benefit from the book as it would help them.