How does gender shape memory? What role does literature play in cultural remembering? These are two of the questions to which the present volume is addressed. Even if we agree that remembering is not biologically determined, we can assume that memory is influenced by the particular social, cultural and historical conditions in which individuals find themselves. And since men and women generally assume different social and cultural roles, their way of remembering should also differ. So, do women and men remember different events, narrate different stories, and narrate or read them in different ways? Gendered Memories, then, not only looks at memory gendered by literature, but also wants to know how gender shapes the memory of literature.
Contents: Introduction: Gender, Memory, Literature. Marie Josephine DIAMOND: Remembering Differently: The Madwoman, The Hysteric and the Witch in Jean Rhys' Wide Sargasso Sea, Hélène Cixous' Portrait de Dora and Maryse Condé's Moi, Tituba sorcière ... noire de Salem. Ena JANSEN: The Discourse of Difference in Reisbrieven uit Afrika en Azië (1913) by Dr. Aletta Jacobs: A Dutch Feminist's Perspective on South Africa and the Dutch East Indies. Odile JANSEN: Women as Storekeepers of Memory: Christa Wolf's Cassandra Project. John M. Kopper: Gender Demography and Genre Creation in Liudmilla Petrushevskaia and Mary Austin. Magdalena PERKOWSKA-ALVAREZ: Elena Poniatowska's Tinísima: Searching for New Spaces in History. Liedeke Plate: Dis/Remembering the Classics: Female Identity and the Act of Rewriting. Cassie Premo STEELE: Remembering: 'The Great Mother of Us All': Audre Lorde's Journey Through History to Herself. Chantal P. THOMPSON: L'aventure ambigue de la femme africaine. Une étude comparée de l'évolution de Samba Diallo et de la femme sénégalaise chez Ken Bugul (Le Baobab fou) et chez Mariama Bâ (Une si longue lettre). Stacey Vallas: The Ghosts of Slavery. Lucia Helena VIANNA: La littérature des femmes au Brésil. Steven F. WALKER: Like Father, Like Son: Oedipus, Tartuffe and the Patriarchal Paradox. I-Chung WANG: Remapping Gender Boundaries: Effeminization and Expectation of Social Stability in Epicoene and The Male Queen. Terry SIU-HAN YIP: Gender Roles and Female Identity in Chinese and Western Literature.
Contents: Introduction: Gender, Memory, Literature. Marie Josephine DIAMOND: Remembering Differently: The Madwoman, The Hysteric and the Witch in Jean Rhys' Wide Sargasso Sea, Hélène Cixous' Portrait de Dora and Maryse Condé's Moi, Tituba sorcière ... noire de Salem. Ena JANSEN: The Discourse of Difference in Reisbrieven uit Afrika en Azië (1913) by Dr. Aletta Jacobs: A Dutch Feminist's Perspective on South Africa and the Dutch East Indies. Odile JANSEN: Women as Storekeepers of Memory: Christa Wolf's Cassandra Project. John M. Kopper: Gender Demography and Genre Creation in Liudmilla Petrushevskaia and Mary Austin. Magdalena PERKOWSKA-ALVAREZ: Elena Poniatowska's Tinísima: Searching for New Spaces in History. Liedeke Plate: Dis/Remembering the Classics: Female Identity and the Act of Rewriting. Cassie Premo STEELE: Remembering: 'The Great Mother of Us All': Audre Lorde's Journey Through History to Herself. Chantal P. THOMPSON: L'aventure ambigue de la femme africaine. Une étude comparée de l'évolution de Samba Diallo et de la femme sénégalaise chez Ken Bugul (Le Baobab fou) et chez Mariama Bâ (Une si longue lettre). Stacey Vallas: The Ghosts of Slavery. Lucia Helena VIANNA: La littérature des femmes au Brésil. Steven F. WALKER: Like Father, Like Son: Oedipus, Tartuffe and the Patriarchal Paradox. I-Chung WANG: Remapping Gender Boundaries: Effeminization and Expectation of Social Stability in Epicoene and The Male Queen. Terry SIU-HAN YIP: Gender Roles and Female Identity in Chinese and Western Literature.