Introduction. Studying consultation patterns. A day in the life of a
typical urban general practice. Are GP surgery consultation rate rising? If
consultation rates are static why do GPs complain about rising workload?
What's happening to practice nurse consultation rates? What's happening to
GP home visits? What difference does a GP co-operative make to night
visits? What is the link between consultation rates, deprivation levels and
admission or referral to hospital? Is there a seasonal pattern to practice
contract rates? How long do patients wait to see a doctor? How long are GP
and practice nures consultations? Who are GPs and practice nurses seeing?
Defaulters in general practice - who are they and what can be done about
them? Frequent attenders - who are they? Do newly registered patients
consult more frequently? What is the effect of long term illness on
consultation rate? Are the economies of scale in the employment of
administration and reception staff? Consultations in general practice -
what do they cost? Continuity, vocation and the changing nature of GP work.
Concluding thoughts. Guide to activity data collection.