Frederick J. Newmeyer is the author of four books on syntactic theory and the history of linguistics. He has recently completed a 5-year term as Secretary-Treasurer of the Linguistic Society of America and is currently Associate Editor of the journal Natural Language and Linguistic Theory. He has taught at the University of Washington, Seattle, since 1969.
1 Introduction Part I General trends 2 Bloomfield, Jakobson, Chomsky, and
the roots of generative grammar 3 The structure of the field of linguistics
and its consequences for women 4 Has there been a 'Chomskyan revolution' in
linguistics? 5 Rules and principles in the historical development of
generative syntax 6 Chomsky's 1962 programme for linguistics: A
retrospective 7 Linguistic diversity and universal grammar: Forty years of
dynamic tension within generative grammar Part II The linguistic wars 8 The
steps to generative semantics 9 The end of generative semantics 10 Review
of Geoffrey J.Huck and John A.Goldsmith, Ideology and Linguistic Theory:
Noam Chomsky and the Deep Structure Debates 11 Review of The Best of CLS: A
Selection of Out-of-Print Papers from 1968 to 1975 Part III Grammatical
theory and second language learning 12 The ontogenesis of the field of
second language learning research 13 The current convergence in linguistic
theory: Some implications for second language acquisition research 14
Competence vs. performance; theoretical vs. applied: The development and
interplay of two dichotomies in modern linguistics