This is the textbook only for Genetics: A Conceptual Approach.
With Genetics: A Conceptual Approach , Ben Pierce brings a master teacher's experiences to the introductory genetics textbook, clarifying this complex subject by focusing on the big picture of genetics concepts and how those concepts connect to one another. The new edition continues the Pierce tradition of pedagogical excellence and scientific currency.
New for this edition:
Think-Pair-Share Exercises With this active learning feature, students work on exercises in pairs or groups in class. Each chapter includes one or two Think-Pair-Share exercises about the chapter-opening story, and more at the end of the chapter. These exercises sometimes ask students to think about genetics in social, ethical, and applied contexts, and may involve connecting material from other chapters. New Format for Worked Problems Unlike many other textbooks Ben Pierce writes the exercises and Worked Problems for his text. For this edition, Pierce's Worked Problems all include a Solution Strategy, Solution Steps, and Hints, giving students a clearly pathway for developing their own problem-solving skills.
NEW Sapling Plus for Pierce - This comprehensive and robust online teaching and learning platform incorporates the e-Book, all instructor and student resources, and instructor assignment and gradebook functionality. To order this book bundled with SaplingPlus please order package isbn 9781352126006
With Genetics: A Conceptual Approach , Ben Pierce brings a master teacher's experiences to the introductory genetics textbook, clarifying this complex subject by focusing on the big picture of genetics concepts and how those concepts connect to one another. The new edition continues the Pierce tradition of pedagogical excellence and scientific currency.
New for this edition:
Think-Pair-Share Exercises With this active learning feature, students work on exercises in pairs or groups in class. Each chapter includes one or two Think-Pair-Share exercises about the chapter-opening story, and more at the end of the chapter. These exercises sometimes ask students to think about genetics in social, ethical, and applied contexts, and may involve connecting material from other chapters. New Format for Worked Problems Unlike many other textbooks Ben Pierce writes the exercises and Worked Problems for his text. For this edition, Pierce's Worked Problems all include a Solution Strategy, Solution Steps, and Hints, giving students a clearly pathway for developing their own problem-solving skills.
NEW Sapling Plus for Pierce - This comprehensive and robust online teaching and learning platform incorporates the e-Book, all instructor and student resources, and instructor assignment and gradebook functionality. To order this book bundled with SaplingPlus please order package isbn 9781352126006