This book presents a methodology for the design of a variable structured fuzzy like PID controller using a hybridization of fuzzy computing and evolutionary computing for optimum control system. The PID like fuzzy controller will have a consequent action for the rules output designed in a variable structured manner. The selection is controlled by a switching vectors working on the rule consequent of a PD and PI realization to get the optimum combination with respect to the integral squared error criterion. Also,the structure of the fuzzy controller is kept as simple as possible. That is,having the less number of membership functions defined for the input and output variables,with the simplest shape of membership functions,and the simplest form of distribution along their universe of discourse,in addition to input and output scaling factors. Optimization is carried out using the binary genetic algorithm as an efficient evolutionary computing technique. Changing the structure on the bases of the rule consequent at the rule base in accordance to the best PID combination led to the possibility of designing simple structure fuzzy controllers capable to provide optimum control strategy.