Fluid flow, as it applies to geologic media, is the topic of this volume. The range of interest is large; it encompasses the weathering of geologic formations by the action of water, the manner in which certain minerals come to occur in commercial quantities, the fate of chemical contaminants once they enter an aquifer, optimal methods to remove (or at least contain) these contaminants, and ways to improve the recovery of hydrocarbons from reservoirs.
While it is impossible to treat all of the applications of geochemical flow in a single volume, it is possible to treat certain features of simplified reactive flow that occur in nearly all applications. Understanding these features will help interpret much more complex flows and providing the basis for this understanding is the goal of this text.
This book is a culmination of a research project conducted at The University of Texas at Austin (UT) over the past 20 years. It has also been used as a text in a graduate course at UT on geochemistry and flow, taught by each of the editors over a period of 10 years. The reader will undoubtedly benefit from the knowledge flow that this progression from research project, via classroom, to text represents.
L.M. Cathles
Mathematically inclined economic geologists who could benefit from advanced concepts and methods should have this book on their shelves.
Economic Geology, 2005
Table of contents:
List of figures.
List of tables.
1. Introduction.
1.1 Objectives and scope.
1.2 Aesthetics of reactive flow.
1.3 Computation of reactive flow.
1.4 Key concepts for reactive flow.
1.5 Local equilibrium and reaction kinetics.
1.6 Structure of the text.
2. Basic flow equations.
2.1 General equations.
2.2 Auxiliary relations.
2.3 Boundary data.
2.4 Summary.
3. Single-variable solutions.
3.1 Working equations.
3.2 Including dispersion.
3.3 Nonlocal-equilibrium flow.
3.4 Summary.
4. More on the single-variable local equilibrium solutions.
4.1 Working equation review.
4.2 Nonuniform material properties.
4.3 Reversible flow.
4.5 Interfering waves.
4.6 Summary.
5. Multivariable local-equilibrium flows.
5.1 Chemical sorption.
5.2 Similarity transform application.
5.3 Two-variable solutions.
5.4 Shock formation.
5.5 Summary.
6. Basic precipitation/dissolution flows.
6.1 Precipitation/dissolution waves as shocks.
6.2 Jump conditions.
6.3 Simple dissolution.
6.4 Simple precipitation.
6.5 Summary.
7. The local structure of precipitation/dissolution waves.
7.1 A physical argument for the downstream equilibrium condition.
7.2 Mathematical arguments for the DEC: kinetics.
7.3 Mathematical arguments for the DEC: dispersion.
7.4 General shock structure of precipitation/dissolution waves.
7.5 Summary.
8. Nonequilibrium precipitation/dissolution flows.
8.1 Supersaturation.
8.2 Solution description: simple dissolution.
8.3 Solution procedure: simple precipitation.
8.4 More than one solid dissolving and/or precipitating.
8.5 Summary.
9. Applications.
9.1 Ore body deposition.
9.2 Alkaline flooding.
9.3 Acidizing wells.
9.4 Copper deposition.
9.5 Heavy metal migration.
9.6 Nonequilibrium seawater injection.
9.7 Sr/OH propagation.
9.8 Placement of polymer gelants for water shutoff.
9.9 Microbial enhanced oil recovery.
9.10 Summary.
Appendix stoichiometry and thermodynamics of reactive flow.
While it is impossible to treat all of the applications of geochemical flow in a single volume, it is possible to treat certain features of simplified reactive flow that occur in nearly all applications. Understanding these features will help interpret much more complex flows and providing the basis for this understanding is the goal of this text.
This book is a culmination of a research project conducted at The University of Texas at Austin (UT) over the past 20 years. It has also been used as a text in a graduate course at UT on geochemistry and flow, taught by each of the editors over a period of 10 years. The reader will undoubtedly benefit from the knowledge flow that this progression from research project, via classroom, to text represents.
L.M. Cathles
Mathematically inclined economic geologists who could benefit from advanced concepts and methods should have this book on their shelves.
Economic Geology, 2005
Table of contents:
List of figures.
List of tables.
1. Introduction.
1.1 Objectives and scope.
1.2 Aesthetics of reactive flow.
1.3 Computation of reactive flow.
1.4 Key concepts for reactive flow.
1.5 Local equilibrium and reaction kinetics.
1.6 Structure of the text.
2. Basic flow equations.
2.1 General equations.
2.2 Auxiliary relations.
2.3 Boundary data.
2.4 Summary.
3. Single-variable solutions.
3.1 Working equations.
3.2 Including dispersion.
3.3 Nonlocal-equilibrium flow.
3.4 Summary.
4. More on the single-variable local equilibrium solutions.
4.1 Working equation review.
4.2 Nonuniform material properties.
4.3 Reversible flow.
4.5 Interfering waves.
4.6 Summary.
5. Multivariable local-equilibrium flows.
5.1 Chemical sorption.
5.2 Similarity transform application.
5.3 Two-variable solutions.
5.4 Shock formation.
5.5 Summary.
6. Basic precipitation/dissolution flows.
6.1 Precipitation/dissolution waves as shocks.
6.2 Jump conditions.
6.3 Simple dissolution.
6.4 Simple precipitation.
6.5 Summary.
7. The local structure of precipitation/dissolution waves.
7.1 A physical argument for the downstream equilibrium condition.
7.2 Mathematical arguments for the DEC: kinetics.
7.3 Mathematical arguments for the DEC: dispersion.
7.4 General shock structure of precipitation/dissolution waves.
7.5 Summary.
8. Nonequilibrium precipitation/dissolution flows.
8.1 Supersaturation.
8.2 Solution description: simple dissolution.
8.3 Solution procedure: simple precipitation.
8.4 More than one solid dissolving and/or precipitating.
8.5 Summary.
9. Applications.
9.1 Ore body deposition.
9.2 Alkaline flooding.
9.3 Acidizing wells.
9.4 Copper deposition.
9.5 Heavy metal migration.
9.6 Nonequilibrium seawater injection.
9.7 Sr/OH propagation.
9.8 Placement of polymer gelants for water shutoff.
9.9 Microbial enhanced oil recovery.
9.10 Summary.
Appendix stoichiometry and thermodynamics of reactive flow.