This book is a study of the Mamfe Basin, particularly the North Eastern part of this Basin which is suspected to host Hydrocarbon due to the presence of Sandstones, Shales, Limestones and Traps found at the earth surface in this part of the Basin. Laboratory analyses carried out on the representative sandstone samples indicate good quality sandstones due to the good porosity and permeability values obtained. Furthermore, the association of Facies obtained from Sedimentological studies indicate that the facies form the bottom part of a channel flow deposit of a fluvial depositional environment. However, this Basin is an Eastward extension of the Benue Trough into Cameroon and the Benue Trough is a NE-SW trending Basin that extends from the Niger Delta (Gulf of Guinea) to Lake Chad. The Niger Delta is suspected to contain Hydrocarbon and at it's exploitation stage with the presence of wells. Meanwhile exploration activities in the Mamfe Basin are its early stage and if they are intensed, a positive outcome can be obtained.