Dr Gribble is a former Senior Lecturer and Head of Department in Geology at the University of Glasgow. He is also Consultant to several construction firms, specialising in mineralogy and engineering geology. The late Dr McLean was also a Senior Lecturer in Geology at the University of Glasgow, specialising in applied geophysics. He was formerly President of the Geology Society of Glasgow.
Introduction. Minerals and rocks. Superficial deposits. Distribution of
rocks at and below the surface. Subsurface (ground) water. Geological
exploration of an engineering site. Rocks and civil engineering. Principal
geological factors affecting certain engineering projects. Appendix A -
Descriptions of some important soil groups. Appendix B - Hydraulic
properties and pumping tests of an aquifer. Appendix C - The British
Geological Survey and other government Geological Surveys. Appendix D -
Exploring for old coal workings in the United Kingdom. Appendix E - The
time-distance graph of first arrivals from a velocity model with two layers
separated by a horizontal interface, and where V2 is greater than V1.
Appendix F - Quality of aggregates. Appendix G - Aggregate quality and
tests in different countries. Appendix H - Systematic description of rocks
and rock discontinuities. Index.